
Friday, 29 November 2013

Russell Brand: Rupert Murdoch 'Animatronic Al-Qaida Recruitment Poster'

Russell Brand: Rupert Murdoch 'Animatronic Al-Qaida Recruitment Poster'

Russell Brand really, really doesn't like Rupert Murdoch and Murdoch's newspapers.

The actor tore into Murdoch and his media empire in a Guardian piece on Friday. The impetus was a Sun on Sunday story earlier this month that claimed Brand cheated on his girlfriend Jemima Khan.

"The pain, disruption and distress, that the Sun inflicted by falsely claiming that I cheated on my girlfriend, in the context of such awesome corruption, is a pale liver-spot on the back of Murdoch's glabrous claw," Brand wrote on Friday.

In the piece, he called Murdoch "an animatronic al-Qaida recruitment poster," and compared his Sun title to Hitler:

Rupert Murdoch, an animatronic al-Qaida recruitment poster, in his private letter to Sun staff, after the News of the World was briefly closed for a makeover (not through remorse, or shame, no, because they couldn't sell advertising space and because he wanted to launch the Sun on Sunday anyway because it's cheaper to run one title than two â€" some guys get all the luck) referred consistently to his pride in the Sun as "a trusted news source". Trusted is the word he used, not trustworthy. We know the Sun is not trustworthy and so does he. He uses the word "trusted" deliberately. Hitler was trusted, it transpired he was not trustworthy.

The actor went on at length criticizing "lies" from the Sun and the now-shuttered News of the World and practices like phone hacking. "We will never know the true extent of their dishonesty," Brand lamented about Murdoch's tabloids. Click over to the Guardian for the full piece.

He hit out at the cheating claims earlier this month, writing:

Days after that tweet, he also wrote:

Celebrity - The Huffington Post

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