
Tuesday 26 November 2013

Michelle Obama Talks Christmas at the White House in Ladies' Home Journal Winter 2014

Michelle Obama Talks Christmas at the White House in Ladies' Home Journal Winter 2014

With the official start of the holiday season upon us, Michelle Obama reveals a few White House traditions in the Winter 2014 issue of Ladies' Home Journal.

During her sit down with the publication, the First Lady dished about her family's big activities and even shares details about her holiday decor.

Check out a few highlights from Miss Obama's Q&A session below. For more, be sure to visit Ladies' Home Journal!

On her White House holiday decor:
"We try to pay tribute to our service members and their families. One of the first trees that people see when they walk into the White House is a tree dedicated to the fallen. Gold Star families can pay tribute to their loved ones, and visitors can send thank-you cards to troops and donate service hours in honor of our men and women in uniform. We've always dedicated the Christmas tree in the Blue Room, which has the largest tree in house, to the military families. This year we're going to decorate it with photos of military homecomings. We're also asking military families to share their traditions, and those will be reflected in the ornaments as well."

On her Christmas playlist:
"I have a phenomenal playlist that includes, of course, 'A Charlie Brown Christmas,' as well as James Taylor, Mariah Carey, Boyz II Men, and Nat King Cole. The kids tease me that they know it's Christmas when I pull out my playlist."

On her childhood traditions:
"Christmas has always been a special time in my household. Growing up, we lived in a little-bitty apartment, but my mom put her heart and soul into decorating that house. She would take cardboard and make a chimney over our radiator because she wanted us to feel like we had something for Santa Claus to come down. Our extended family was so large, people couldn't really afford to buy gifts for everyone. So a couple of our aunts would go out and purchase small gifts. They would put them in a basket and in order to get a gift you had to perform. Everyone from the smallest to the tallest, from the oldest to the youngest, had to perform something. You could tell a joke, read a poem, do a backflip -- anything counted. It's a tradition that we've carried on today."

On her involvement with Toys for Tots:
"I try to remind people to purchase for a broad age group - people love to buy the little kids toys, but there are also teenagers to think about. Teens love electronic learning games and you can never go wrong with giving them clothes."

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